Eris-largest dwarf planet

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Eris is the most distant dwarf planet from the sun and has the greatest mass Eris is the second-largest dwarf planet all the objects in the asteroid belt that could fit inside Eris ears is still smaller than the earth's moon having about two-thirds of the moon's diameter and one-third of its volume Eris was the troublemaker that led pluto's reclassification it was discovered in 2005 and because it is close in size to pluto briefly considered the solar system's 10th planet after its discovery astronomers were forced to reconsider the definition of the planet entirely iris was named after the greek goddess iris who started the trojan war by causing a fight among some of the other goddesses its one known moon is named dysnomia after Eris daughter the goddess of lawlessness.


 Eris is one of the most important known dwarf planets in our system. It's about an equivalent size as Pluto but is 3 times farther from the Sun.

Eris first seemed to be larger than Pluto. This triggered a debate within the scientific community which led the International Astronomical Union to change the decision in 2006 to clarify the definition of a planet. Pluto, Eris, and other similar objects are now classified as dwarf planets.

This Dwarf planet is named after a Greek goddess of discord and strife.

Eris-largest dwarf planet


 Eris was discovered on Oct. 21, 2003 by M.E. Brown, C.A. Trujillo, and D. Rabinowitz at the Palomar Observatory.


 Eris has a radius of about 1,163 kilometers(772 miles), which is about 1/5 the radius of the earth


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