The truth behind planet Mercury
Mercury is the smallest fastest and closest planet to the Sun because of its closeness to the Sun its surface temperature can reach up to 450 degrees Celsius. The planet is about 5000 kilometers in diameter, about the size of the continental United States, and slightly bigger than Earth's moon. It's smaller than both Saturn's moon Titan and Jupiter's moon Ganymede.
For every seven years, Mercury can be seen from Earth passing across the face of the Sun. This happens because Mercury’s orbit is inclined by 7 degrees to the plane of Earth’s orbit and it's known as a transit.
During daytime as the mass of mercury is much smaller than the mass of Earth your weight on Mercury would be only 38% of your weight on earth .you will be surprised to know that one year on Mercury is only 88 Earth days as it takes 88 days to complete one revolution around the Sun but it on the surface of mercury is equivalent to 176 Earth days as a dispensed slower on its axis in comparison to Earth Mercury revolves around the Sun at very high speed of 180 thousand kilometers per hour this makes mercury the fastest planet in the entire solar system.
Mercury has almost no atmosphere but why it is so?
The reason behind this is being small in size its gravity is too weak to hold down in a normal atmosphere because of the absence of an atmosphere it is not capable of trapping heat from the Sun so the temperature of mercury can fall to minus 170 degrees Celsius. In the entire solar system temperature swing of mercury is the highest the temperature of mercury can swing more than 600 degrees Celsius in a single day as the mercury has no atmosphere asteroids approaching the planet feel no air resistance and fall at great speeds on its surface, this is responsible for the formation of big craters on the surface of the mercury.
In the year 1991, it was revealed by radar observations that the south and north poles of the planet may have ice deep inside the craters the reason behind this is these deep craters always remain in shadow, therefore, are very cold one such crater named gallerist Basin has been found on this planet this crater is nearly 1500 50 kilometers wide it is so big that it can accommodate the entire Texas estate it was created by an asteroid impact nearly four billion years ago the asteroid was around 100 kilometers wide Collison of the asteroid with a mercury surface generated an immense amount of energy this energy was equivalent to the energy generated by one trillion bombs of one Megaton each.
The Messenger of the Gods
The planet Mercury was named after the Roman god mercury the messenger of the gods the diameter of mercury is 4817 nine kilometers and its mass is only 5.5 percent of the mass of the earth the size of mercury is only about one-third the size of the earth you should also know that the planet mercury has no moons Mariner 10 was the first spacecraft that visited mercury it found that mercury had its own magnetic field mercury is the second densest planet in our solar system having metallic core the densest planet in our solar system is our own home planet Earth.
~.Lijo Ferdinand. J
Thanks for Reading all the best and see you next time so you.👍