
 Jupiter has a long history all the way back to the 1600s when Galileo Galilei found the first moons beyond Earth, which changed the way we see the universe.

The planet Jupiter has a great significance in Vedic astrology. The planet Jupiter is one of the biggest planets in the Solar System. It is believed that this planet makes people wealthy,  brilliant, devotional, educated, cultured, liberal, and generous.

The Jupiter in the space

The planet Jupiter the largest planet in the solar system the diameter of Jupiter is 142984 KM at its equator and it is the 5th distant planet from the Sun. This is a giant planet in the Universe which is filled with a different type of gases and liquid objects. Jupiter also has its Moon like we have Moon for the earth. We have one Moon, while Jupiter has 11 moons on the heavenly body.


Jupiter's iconic stripes and swirls are literally cold, windy clouds of water and ammonia, floating in an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is a giant storm that is actually bigger than Earth that raged for hundreds of years.

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